Thursday, January 31, 2008

Clean Green

Periodically we challenge companies to jump on board the green train by highlighting areas in which they could make eco-improvements. Today we give plaudits to one that needed no such challenge to not just operate greenly, but spread their initiative around the world. Indeed, Seventh Generation is the very definition of sponsible.

Known largely for their cleaning and paper products, Seventh Generation, produces a growing variety of household items ranging from household scenters to chlorine-free diapers, all made of recyclable and/or sustainable materials and with fair labor practices. Their name is actually taken from an ancient Iroquois saying:, "In our every deliberation we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations," which is clearly a philosophy to which they adhere assiduously.

Seventh Generation's site is as much a call to greener ways and a resource for green living as it is a place to promote their products. Thanks to this purpose-driven stance they've gained a loyal following of customers who are as loyal for the quality of product (and it is all good stuff) as for the quality of the people running the company.

Seventh Generation products are available most everywhere, from Target to your local supermarket chain, so you can shop sponsibly with ease. And their prices are competitive with those of companies who have yet to embrace sustainable living practices. Give them a try– your home and soul will love them!

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