Monday, December 10, 2007


Each December 10th the world celebrates Human Rights Day, a day in which we recognize places where human rights are tromped, as well as celebrate the blessings of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Today's is of extra significance in that it marks the 60th anniversary of the U.N. General Assembly's adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

When we say "we recognize" however, we aren't referring to us here in the U.S. A quick Google search done on Human Rights Day, 2007 of "Human Rights Day" news stories brought up a first page of 29 specific article links with not a single one a product of CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Sun, etc, etc. In fact, not one North American corporate news organization came through with a news story until page 5, where the Orlando Sentinel, a Tribune-owned paper, pulls through with an articled titled, Today is Human Rights Day, penned by Kris Hey.

Voice of America, however, does save Western Civilization from total ignominy with a couple of first page articles, and a host of International and European news agencies pay tribute to this important milestone as well.

There are a few different tacts you can take to show your sense of sponsibility when it comes to human rights issues. One is to donate to one of several human rights watchdog groups out there. Human Rights Watch is a comprehensive one with a global reach.

You can also let your local newspapers and news stations that human rights is an issue that matters to you. Call or email them. Don't be shy. They exist for the benefit of their readers and if their readers aren't pleased with the way news is being reported then its their job to speak up. Speaking up is a theme you'll see repeated over and over here. Better start carrying some throat lozenges with you...

Here's Jim Carrey speaking eloquently on human rights violations in Burma:

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