Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Option #1: Reuse your styrofoam cup throughout the day, or even week.

Better Option #1
: Don't use styrofoam cups at all - they’re very ecologically costly.

Option #2: Rinse and Reuse plastic utensils when possible.

Better Option #2
: Keep silverware handy. There's also a great travel organic bamboo utensil set that we've ordered here: GRASSROOTSSTORE

Option #3: Don't throw out the blank sheets or mistakes that come out of the printer. Either reprint on them or save them for note taking.

Option #4: Instead of throwing paper in the garbage when you're finished, please put it in those white boxes you have (if you don't, there are some in the copy room). I'm in the process of finding a paper recycling plant and will personally make sure everything gets recycled.

Option #5: Recycle used batteries. Mark a container for used batteries and notify everyone of where you're putting it.To find a place near you that recycles batteries (and other things) check out Earth911.org.

Option #6: Consider the lowly paper towel. Next time you dry your hands, try taking one sheet at a time rather than maybe grabbing a bunch.

Option #7: Turn off your monitor at the end of the day. All monitors have a power button on the front. By hitting it before we go home we can save electricity, which is ecologically expensive to produce.

Option #8: Turn off power strips at the end of the day. Of course if you leave your computer in sleep mode you won’t want to. Instead, consider unplugging chargers and the like- things that aren’t even on. Such devices are energy “vampires,” sucking power even when asleep!

Option #9: Bag it. By bringing your own lunch rather than going out for it you save money on food, ensure you’re eating healthy, save on eco-expensive food prep resources (or prepackaged resources) and save gas. It’s a bit of a hassle, but a win-win-win-win situation.

Option #10: Sometimes, of course, getting outside is both necessary and desirable. If your destination is within a mile, consider going for a stroll. You get that exercise you can never seem to squeeze into the day and you save the earth from extra fossil fuel residue.

There are plenty more ways to conserve we haven’t mentioned here, but we're sure you’ll notice them in your own daily office doings. If we each we pick our three favorite ideas from this list (or your own list) and apply them, collectively we can go a long way towards leaving this earth a better place than the way we found it.


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