Friday, February 13, 2009

We're Baaack...

It's been a few months, I know. Fact is, after keeping two blogs for the better part of a year, both focused on changing the environment, both literally and figuratively, I saw the election of Barack Obama as a chance for blessed respite.

I, like so many others, could be accused for placing too many hopes and dreams, too many expectations, upon a single man. Certainly Barack Obama is an incalculable improvement over the person he replaced, and yet, he's still just a man, with human frailties and a divided and oftentimes ineffectual Congress.

Still, it's clear that of anyone to serve as President since John F. Kennedy, Barrack Hussein Obama looks to be the guy who can push the kind of agendas that make progressives like me especially proud to be a part of the American fabric.

So as the great Thom Hartmann always says, getting Obama elected was only the beginning. Now it is up to us to push him to greatness. Sponsible. org aims to do just that.


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