Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hooray for Hartmann!

On Friday evening I attended a speaking engagement with author/humanitarian/historian/entrepreneur/educator/economist/radio host Thom Hartmann at the San Fernando Valley Democratic Headquarters in Van Nuys, CA.

If you don't know Thom, you need to. Thom is, to me at least, a modern-day version of another significant Thomas – Jefferson – in that he's worldly and erudite yet an everyman. He is a true believer in a "we society" as opposed to a "me society", and yet he has the capacity to be the one to speak out for "we."

On Friday night he waxed philosophical on a number of topics – from Hobbsian vs. Lockean views (he sides more with Locke) on society to a particularly formative night he spent making peace with members of a tribe inside an Iroquois teepee.

He mentioned being especially impressed with the way Barack Obama handled himself during the last debate – how he refused to take the bait McCain put out for him. In spite of the fact that even the cool and collected Hartmann found himself creaming at the TV for Barack to retaliate to the lies, he did in the end see the greater wisdom of Obama's strategy. It is a more peaceful, controlled, self-assured leader we Americans are seeking today. The more McCain played the role of bully, and the more Barack responded with calm rather than anger, the greater his approval rose. In the end, most polls had Obama winning the debate by a huge margin, despite the initial concerns of some, like Hartmann and myself.

Thom admitted to not agreeing 100% with Barack on all the issues, but that the important thing right now is to get him into office, at which time our real work will begin – to push him to become a great reformer in the mold of Lincoln and FDR. He pointed out that neither man started their political careers with great change in mind. Lincoln only decided to give slaves freedom when he saw the divided nation before him. FDR's first act as President was to cut welfare to widows and orphans of WWI soldiers. It was when the People expressed their displeasure, and then their needs, that he began to change into the FDR we appreciate today.

Thom also addressed the (gulp) possibility that the Conservatives steal the election. While he isn't in favor of a Bolshevik-style revolution, he would become actively involved in a nationwide sit-in, a la Gandhi. Let's hope he never has to dirty up his trousers.

I encourage everyone reading this to get to know Thom. He's really a remarkable, inspiring man, and best of all, he can be heard every morning from 9-12 on Air America Radio. Also, check out his site here, where you can buy his many books and even catch podcasts of his show.

Friday marked my third time seeing Thom Hartmann speak live. I look forward to many more.

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