Wednesday, July 2, 2008


When I was a kid I was fascinated by the concept of being able to cook food with the sun. My sisters had their EZ Bake oven – I wanted to harness the power of the cosmos!

I remember seeing various solar cookers – from cigarette lighters to big-ass ovens – in the 1970 Whole Earth catalog and feeling envious of those who had the money to actually buy these things. Then I saw instructions for making your own solar cooker. All I needed was cardboard, tinfoil, and something to adhere everything together.

I never got my makeshift oven to work (although I may have inadvertently reflected radio waves to an alien society), but never gave up the thought that, in theory at least, I could cook with the sun.

Fast forward about 30 years and the do-it-yourself bug has struck me again. Wouldn't it be coo, I thought, to finally get that solar cooker cooking? Indeed. Enter

This site has detailed instructions on making an incredible array of cool useful things, including a solar hotdog cooker. Now, I'm not a fan of dogs, but I may have to try to build on eof these things and itch that self-sustaining scratch I've had lo the past three decades. I'll let you know if it works...

Check out the directions here.


Unknown said...

You'll find many much better plans for simple solar cookers on the Solar Cooking Archive. The Fun-Panel cooker is particularly easy to build and is very powerful. Why not cook cook everything with the sun instead of just heating hotdogs. Much more information on solar cooking is available at the Solar Cooking Archive Wiki.

Tom Sponheim
Solar Cookers International

Shawn said...

Thanks for that info Tom! I'll check it out...