Monday, April 21, 2008


Far more than ever before, the world is in a mood to celebrate the day meant to honor Mother Earth and all she provides us. Tomorrow, April 22nd, 2008, is Earth Day and we here at sponsible mean to celebrate it heartily.

The history of Earth Day spans back to 1962, when then-Wisconsin senator Gaylord Nelson got the idea to set aside a day in which Americans paid heed to the need for environmental conservation. He first pitched his idea to Attorney General Robert Kennedy and then to President John Kennedy, both of whom liked the idea.

It took seven years before a decision to set aside a day for a "
nationwide grassroots demonstration on behalf of the environment," said Nelson in an interview years later. It was inspired by the Vietnam War and Civil Rights rallies he had seen all around him during the turbulent 60's.

Finally, on April 22nd, 1970 the first Earth Day was held. 20 millions people rallied behind the cause, at schools, at community events, in Washington – not because Nelson was able to organize a multi-million
dollar campaign, but because people cared enough about the Earth to organize themselves.

Gaylord Nelson passed away in 2005 but his spirit is brighter than ever as we celebrate this, the 39th installment of Earth Day.


We've numerated a few things we hope our readers will do this Earth Day, if no other, if for no other reason, then to honor Senator Nelson's amazing work.

1. BOTTLE YOUR TOILET – By this we mean fill a plastic water bottle with water and place it into your toilet's tank. The volume will displace the same amount of water every time you flush, saving hundreds and even thousands of gallons of water per year (depending on how many toilets and how many people you have in your home).

2. STEM THE FLOW – Next time you brush your teeth simply turn off the faucet as you do your brushing. Most of us let the water run throughout the process. You can save between a quart and a gallon of water each brushing by doing this.

3. DON'T BUY ANYTHING – We're serious! For one day, don't buy a thing. Save your money. Save the eco-cost of producing the thing you purchased to replace it on the store shelf. Even food - Make your meals tonight so you don't have to order out tomorrow. See how it feels to not have to open your wallet for a day. Feels pretty good, no? Why not make a habit of it??

4. RECYCLE (Really!) – Sure, we all know to recycle by now, but how many of us do it with everything we dispose of? How many times are you out, drinking from a plastic water bottle, and you finish it in the middle of a walk where there are no recycling containers? Do you carry the bottle to the next one you can find, or simply toss it in the nearest trash can? C'mon, an empty bottle isn't that heavy...

5. WALK IT – Need to make a trip to the post office down the street? Leave the keys in your pocket and hoof it this time. Maybe you're at work and the post office a a couple of miles too far to walk. Why not shoot an email to your co-workers asking if anyone needs stamps while you're there? You could save them a trip, which is a nice thing to do in and of itself, and it saves on auto emissions.
6. GET CREATIVE – Use that ownderful mass of grey matter in your skull to figure out new, creative ways you can help protect this home of ours. It can be fun and fulfilling to happen upon a creative solution that no one else has realized before. Just make sure to let us know about it so we can spread the word and give you the credit you're due.

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